2/4/2025 10:31:08 AM ‘No more rules for thee’; CJEU strikes down copyright-reciprocity test (for now) By Clemens Molle Fleur Uitterhoeve In its landmark Kwantum/Vitra decision, the CJEU ruled that EU Member States are not allowed to unilaterally apply the material...
3/12/2024 10:06:00 AM Belgium court considers design and copyright protection of cat litter trays By Domien Op de Beeck Camille Vanpeteghem amIn this article we look at an interesting decision from the Belgian Community Design courts and the potential practical implications....
5/18/2023 8:44:00 PM T-Shirts, bicycles or lamps… are we talking about art? And what does that imply? By Laura Jones A recent case concerning showcase lamps has led the German Federal Court of Justice to consolidate its understanding of the European...
4/5/2023 9:13:00 PM Does the CJEU ruling on the “paper dispenser” finally bring clarity for design owners? By Jan Bärenfänger Last year, we reported on the long dispute about the “paper dispenser”, which is about the relationship between design law and patent law...
3/9/2023 10:46:00 PM Protection of parts of complex products – lost in translation? By Domien Op de Beeck The requirements for design protection in the EU for parts of a complex product is not easy to decipher. The CJEU very recently had to...