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By the International Product Design Group at Bird & Bird

| less than a minute read

Bird & Bird’s digest of notable and unusual European design cases

From underwater masks to twisted chips, the past few years have been interesting for European designs. Members of Bird & Bird’s International Product Design Group have curated a collection of some of the most noteworthy and unusual cases from around the national courts.

This digest has just been published in the July/ August 2023 issue of the CITMA Review, the journal of the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA). Read here!

Our contributors:

  • Belgium: Domien Op de Beeck and Camille Vanpeteghem
  • France: Lola Barberon
  • Germany: Roman Brtka
  • Italy: Cristiana Andreotta, Greta Cucinella and Francesca Rombolà
  • Spain: María Ángela Fernández
  • The Netherlands: Manon Rieger Jansen and Nina Dorenbosch

Coordinator/ editor: Heidi Hurdle (UK)


designs, registered designs, design news, features, europe, product design, designwrites, insights